
The Transparent Guide, acrylic on canvas, 137 x 85 cm, 1994
Duality sets everything
into motion, alive
the dance of opposites
regenerates the energy
for the translucent human.
Madama part I 2012
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Silent Sister, acrylic on canvas, 137 x 85 cm, 1994 SOLD
The translucent being
who transforms everything
into limitless motion
who doesn’t resist
but prevents the ego
to identify itself
with nothing else than
the ephemeral here and now.
Madama part II 2012
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Copypencil: My Spirit total Art I AM
80 x 60 cm, 1975-2020
I am a hologram
The rain of change will fall
and rearrange us all
life is streaming again
a breakdance for the elimination
of all obstacles in any situation
in the surrender
to the mystic music
thriving life
caressed by the luxurious winds
of inner happiness
as the only resolution.
Absolute freedom
of creating through imagination
beyond words of outer explanation.
Madama 2023
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